Thursday 22 March 2018

Friday Afternoon Yoga: Good Friday Special with Yoga Nidra

 Bollington Civic Hall
1.45 - 3.15pm, doors open at 1.30pm
To take full advantage of the long bank holiday weekend Good Friday’s Afternoon Yoga will be extended to a full 90 minutes.
Looking forward to spring we will take a mellow, balancing and refreshing asana practice followed by a 20 minute Yoga Nidra.
Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep as it is sometimes referred to is a deeply restful guided meditation technique practiced while laying comfortably in Savasana.

I strongly recommend you bring a blanket or two so you can make yourself super comfortable for this practice.
There is no extra charge for this extended class usual cost applies £6.50 for a drop in.

Bookings can be made in advance to Yoga with Deborah,
telephone or text on 07772967746 or email
Suitable for all including beginners and all equipment will be provided.