Sunday 14 May 2017

Yoga for Back Care Workshop

Yoga for Back Care with Deborah at Pure Yoga Cheshire

29 Charlotte Street,
SK11 6JB.
Saturday 17th June 2017 1:30pm – 4pm £20

Yoga can be an invaluable practice for managing existing back conditions, helping prevent future problems and dealing with some acute back pain episodes.
In this workshop, we will use breathing practices to bring awareness to the spine and gentle movements suitable for when we have reduced mobility. Then we will move through limbering sequences toward standing, seated, prone and supine postures to take the spine through its full range of flexibilities.
We will look at what it means to bring the spine into its neutral curves and how we can use the all-important core muscle group to support our spine during practice. Using strengthening and stabilising postures to help address any muscle imbalances and weakness that may contribute to our back problems. We will finish with some more restorative postures and savasana.
Deborah has been practicing yoga for many years and with growing knowledge and practice has found yoga extremely beneficial for the prevention and management of her own back problems.
Since qualifying as a yoga teacher with Yogacampus Deborah has continued to study with them to deepen her knowledge and understanding of therapeutic yoga, particularly regarding back pain solutions and prevention. Studying with various teachers including Julie Gudmestad, internationally renowned yoga teacher and licensed physical therapist, Doug Keller who teaches workshops and trainings in the therapeutic applications of yoga, and Ann Blackmore a yoga and body work therapist and trained osteopath.
For those with existing chronic or acute back conditions we would advise you to consult your doctor or therapist before participating in this workshop.